Please visit the Parish Home Page for updates
Please visit our the Parish Home Page for the pastor’s weekly message, important announcements, updates, news and happenings.
Please visit our the Parish Home Page for the pastor’s weekly message, important announcements, updates, news and happenings.
Dial My Calls is our instant alert system to inform parents of emergency closings and special events. Text messages and emails will be sent to the primary phone number and primary email address listed on your registration form. Please complete the Opt-In form to add secondary phone and email contact information.
Our new year of Religious Education classes began on Monday, September 30th. Details have been sent to parents / caregivers in our Monday / Tuesday classes, and the Home Study / Recorded Lessons sessions.
Students who attended the 2024 Summer Intensive Program participate in six or more parish activities throughout the year to complete the summer program requirements. Parents submit “plus six” forms in April.
Fall Sessions held at the school will begin on Monday, September 30, 2024
Confirmation students have chosen their sponsors and their confirmation name. About My Sponsor, sponsor eligibility certificates and Saint Research may be turned in to the RE Office when complete. Forms and details are found on the Sacramental Preparation page.
First Communions will be held on Saturday, May 3 and Saturday, May 10, 10am and 12noon. Practices are on April 30, 4pm-4:30pm (for May 3, 12 pm First Communion) and May 5, 4pm to 4:30pm (for May 10, 10am First Communion) and May 5, 4:30pm to 5pm (for May 10, 12pm First Communion)
Religious Education office is closed due to the weather. We will return to the office tomorrow weather permitting. Please understand that we cannot answer emails or return voicemails. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay safe and warm!!
Confirmation Liturgy: Friday, February 28 at St Isaac Jogues, Marlton, 4pm. Assigned seating will be distributed to parents.
Reconciliation: To be determined
Religious Education classes are on Christmas break. We resume in-person classes on Monday, January 6 and Tuesday, January 7. Please use the time off to discuss Advent / Christmas customs and traditions, attend mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 9 and Unit 5: Lesson 23 on December 16. We also encourage families to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent.
Our confirmands are moving to the Immediate Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students will present their completed requirements to Fr Jim on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7pm, in the Church. Please be sure all material has been submitted to the RE Office!
Our grade 2 students have spent the past few months learning about and preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Dates are Wednesday, November 20, Tuesday, December 3, and Wednesday, December 4 - 7pm in the Church. More details in the Parent Handbook.
Students who are registered for the Summer Home Study program complete textbook material in July and August. On-line resources, including recorded video lessons, are provided. Students also participate in parish events throughout the school year. Textbook distribution will be in mid-June.
Students who are registered for the Summer In-Person Intensive session attend the week of June 24 (grades 1 through 8) or July 8 (grade 5). Details will be sent to parents.
Registration for 2024-2025 classes is underway. Please see our registration page for details. Classes are taught by parish volunteers. Parents are asked to give prayerful consideration to volunteering so more in-person classes may be offered for the children. Please contact the RE Office if interested!!
Students in the Summer Home Study Program complete textbook material during July and August, and participate in six or more parish activities during the year. Students are encouraged to use the resources, including Recorded Video Lessons, in the Christ in Us portal. Links found on Resource page. Students submit samples of their work from each Unit, either online or photographed and emailed to
Religious Education classes are taught by dedicated volunteers, who offer their time and talent in teaching various sessions and grades. In-person class offerings are based each year on those parents and parishioners. who are willing to serve as catechists. We ask you to prayerfully consider this important ministry of faith sharing with our parish children. Please contact the Religious Education Office if interested!
Individual class schedules are listed on the parish website. Parents are to report all student absences by emailing the Religious Education Office, or completing the student absence form. No in-person classes held Easter Week. Our last meeting is Monday and Tuesday, April 24 and April 25.
First Communions, and practices - details, dates and times are found on the Sacramental Preparation page.
Summer intensive Religious Education Program will be held the week of June 26, 8am to 2pm, with six or more additional parish activities during the year. Students must have completed requirements for the prior year to be eligible. Details for students enrolled will be emailed to parents.
We have progressed to the Immediate Preparation phase for Confirmation! Students are working on their Confirmation textbooks. Reconciliation: Wednesday, February 15, 6pm to 8pm, OLGC Chapel. Practice: Tuesday, February 28, 7pm, OLGC Church. Confirmation: Friday, March 3, 4pm, St Isaac Jogues, Marlton.
Family Life lessons for grades 1 to 8 (Summer, Year Long, Home students) are covered at home by the parent the week of January 15. Power Point presentations and student response activity sheets are found on the Family Life page. Monday / Tuesday classes do not meet this week as we observe the Martin Luther King Jr holiday!